Let's stop fast fashion & even a small change can help a lot

Let's stop fast fashion & even a small change can help a lot

 Yes, even small changes in your wardrobe can have a significant impact on your style, comfort and sustainability. Are you wondering what steps to take to create a more sustainable and efficient wardrobe?

 Choose clothes that are well made and last longer, even though they may be more expensive. Quality materials and good workmanship pay off.

Limit shopping at fast fashion stores and focus on brands that care about sustainability and ethical practices.

 Invest in basic pieces such as quality jeans, a white shirt, a black and white t-shirt without inscriptions, simple pumps, a leather bag or a quality coat. There is strength in simplicity and we can breathe life into any outfit with a colorful accessory such as a scarf or bolder bracelets.

 Choose clothes in neutral colors such as black, white, grey, navy and beige. These colors are easy to combine and never go out of style. Even Coco Chanel already knew it, and her unique style is a symbol of timeless fashion and elegance to this day.

 Choose clothes that you can wear for different occasions. For example, a jacket that you can wear to work or to an evening event. Learn to layer your clothes to adapt to different weather and occasions. Surprise yourself, combine the seemingly incompatible and share a piece of yourself through an original outfit.

 Remember, your outfit will look like how you feel. A lot of women in the world do not have ideal measurements and still manage to impress with their style. A healthy dose of confidence is in order. Hide what is not ideal and offer those around you a view of your strengths thanks to an appropriately chosen fabric or cut.

 Nice-looking clothes are no accident, the owners of well-preserved pieces take good care of them because they suspect that they will be rewarded with a longer lifespan. Follow the washing and care recommendations to make your clothes last longer. Learn basic repairs such as sewing on buttons or sewing torn seams.

Don't underestimate clothing rotation either. Change what you wear regularly so that individual pieces wear evenly and don't look worn out faster.

Give them another chance... If you have clothes that you no longer wear, donate them or participate in exchange events. You can make someone else happy and extend the life of your clothes at the same time.

You can participate in events such as Green Market or Swaps throughout the Czech Republic. Recycle damaged or unrepaired clothing if possible instead of ending up in landfill.

 Supporting a sustainable brand should be an obligation just like sorting waste. It's a good idea to find out before buying clothes about the brands and their approach to sustainability and ethics for their employees.

Look for certifications and evaluations that guarantee that the brand adheres to ecological and social standards.

A minimalistic approach is also key. Less is more - focus on quality and well-combined pieces instead of a large amount of clothes that you rarely wear.

I will mention here Maria Kondo, who is a master in her field and thanks to her philosophy of anti-accumulation of things, i.e. clothes, she has won many minimalists into her ranks.

Her philosophy is simple...if you're standing in front of a full wardrobe and you still don't have anything to wear, there's something wrong somewhere. Take every single object in your hands and if you don't feel joy from that piece it's time to pass it on. The fact is, whether we like it or not, if we don't wear the item for at least a year, it has no place in our wardrobe.

Marie Kondo's advice is to consciously choose what to keep in the closet and in the home, because only if we have cleanliness around us, we can float into Zen and into the soul.

Marie Kondo 

Fast fashion is a reflection of today's times and way of life, which will leave a mark in the lives of our children as well.

Changing your approach to fashion doesn't have to be difficult, but it can have a big positive impact on your life, budget and environment. Every small step towards sustainability counts.

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